Monday, June 30, 2008

Supreme Court Decison on banning Handguns

According to “Beltway 08” believes that the US Supreme Court made a mistake is a 5-4 decision against the ban of handguns. Well I have to disagree, now I do not believe that killing people with guns or any other type of weapon is humane but I do believe that sometimes they may come in handy one time or other. I also believe that not everyone should have one and to have a handgun it needs to be legal and the owner needs a license with the gun registered to the owner’s name. I think that parents should not allow their children to know they have this gun that way it will not end up in the wrong hands and turn into events like Virginia Tech and Columbian. Not everybody who owns a handgun is going to go shoot people a lot of people now a days have them for protection against people and against animals if they are hunters. Even though England has less deaths by a gun because the only people are allowed to have one doesn’t meant that it will lower the crime rate in the US because I believe that we have more crimes because of the amount of diversity that the US entitles. The Violence policy center says that the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution allows individuals the right to possess a firearm. This is the first time that the Supreme Court has sided with the constitution instead of a right that applies to state militia.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

McCain Calls US Dependence on Foreign Oil Dangerous

The United States has oil in many different places and I’m still trying to understand why we are not using our own oil when we have the oil right here. I believe that we should be using our own oil because it will create cheaper gas prices and while we are using our own oil we should be creating alternative sources. McCain is planning to propose lifting a ban on the offshore drilling. He as also recommended that we look at nuclear energy we it has been neglected for such a long time. According to Obama, he says that McCain’s plans would only create a greater addiction to oil. Americans dependence has been a problem for 35 years and it has also been an alarming situation for multiple years. Both of the candidates have good ideas but I believe that the only way we will know if one of them works is when we give them a try.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Habeas Corpus

I think that "... it tolls for thee..." is correct on all of his/her assupmtions towards the US national government about how we are torturing these people. Its hard to believe that the United States has stooped down the the terriorist level involving torture. We are suppose to be a country of civil liberties according to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. You make some very good points on how its not just our governments fault, but its our fault too. In the Bill of Rights we are also guranteed Due Process but we are not doing giving the prisoners that have been captured that right. Although I do agree with you I think that our country is doing everything in there power to make sure that another terriorist attack will not happen again. If other measures could be taken I think that our government would have taken the other measures instead of going to war the Middle East. The Habeas Corpus is bringing an individual in custody for the court to determine whether they are guilty or not.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

McCain Proposes a $300 Million Dollar Prize for Advanced Auto Battery

McCain is trying to propose a way to solve the countries energy crisis with cash. I think that McCain has a good idea becuase he feels that our country should try to use alternative sources. According to McCain, we need a device that has 30% the current cost, size and power to leapfrog the plug-in hybrids and electric cars that are available now. I just don't understand how we let this problem get to be so bad to were gas is approximately $4 a gallon. I think its about time that we try to find problems to fix this because at this rate its only getting worse. I think its a good idea that McCain is willing to take chances on trying to make a coversion of American vehicles. I think that if we don't figure out ways to sovle this problem then we could end up in a depression just like the 1930s or we could end up in a stagflation like the 1970s. But whatever it takes I believe that something needs to be done by the government and by the people of the United States of America. I think that not only one person can fix the problem, its going to take a lot more because of the amount of oil that we use everyday. We will one day look back on this and say we should have done this and if thats the case we need to think of all the ways possible to fix this so later down the road we can say we did everything we could.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Senate Republicans Vote to Continue High Gasoline Prices

In this commentary it says that Republicans voted for higher gas prices. The Republicans voted against the Consumer First Energy Bill. I think that the government needs to do something to lower gas prices. When people today receive a paycheck it goes straight to gas for the vehicles, law mowers, and other gasoline fueled engines. According to the Houston Chronicle, Texas senators did not vote for high gas prices. They believe that the gas prices could go down but probably not that this year because we have to get a supermajority in the Senate, meaning 60 votes. According to the Chronicritic the reason the prices for oil went up because of the people who have taxed the oil and restricted domestic drilling.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Navarrette: Would Obama-Clinton be a dream ticket or a disaster?

The agrument on whether Obama should choose Clinton as his running mate is written by Ruben Navarrette Jr. The argument is posted in the Austin American Statesman and the author is trying to tell Latinos to keep their minds open to voting for Obama if he chooses Clinton has his running mate. The author uses stastics on the percentage each canditate has for the Mexican race. The authors makes a poimt to say that McCain could very well have atleast 40 percent of the votes. Not Republican president has had 50percent throughout history but there have been presidents who have come close. The value that the author is trying to make is that in some elections Lationos are taken for granted by the Democrats and written off by the Republicans. So he is telling them to keep their minds open. This "<"> editorial has really good points on persuading the Lationos to keep and open minds and for Obama to do the same thing.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Analysis: Resolving Impasse on Fla., Mich. Delegates

In this article by Robert Smith and Ken Rubin talked about how Florida and Michigan broke The Rules and Bylaws of the committee of the Democratic National Committee. The committee is trying to decide whether or not to take half of their delegates. Both candidates Obama and Clinton say they would not campaign in those state as a consequence for violating the rules. Obama took one more step to penalize the state of Michigan. Since then the committee has changed their tone now the two states will not have any delegates. I believe that the article is worth reading because it was very informative about how the two states violated the Rules and Bylaws of the committee of the Democratic National Committee. It was also informative how the committee decided to handle the problem. NPR does a very good job at covering all of the aspects of what’s going on to solve the problem.